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Upcoming Event

New Perspectives in Learning hosts seminars and workshops.

Find out more below.


About the Event

The discovery that your child has learning challenges can be a devastating, overwhelming experience. Many parents feel they know their child, but they don’t understand dyslexia and the challenges of this learning style. Just as the dyslexic child is left with feelings of inadequacy after a failed exam, or assignment; so are the caring, dedicated parents trying to help with homework and studying.

The Davis Methods afford unique insights into how dyslexics think, and how they can learn. When key principles of the dyslexic learning style are understood and mastered, supporting your child’s learning can start to be effective, stress-free, and fun for both of you.

These six weekly practical sessions, devised by author, Richard Whitehead and endorsed by Ronald Davis, provide new insight and methods to make this journey easier. As a Davis Dyslexia Specialist, former secondary school Special Educational Needs Coordinator, and creator and presenter of courses for parents, Richard Whitehead, has widespread experience with both the classical Davis approach, and with experimental approaches to learning for picture-thinkers.

This parent course is presented by Nadine Schumont and Lynn Chigounis—two Licensed Davis® Program Facilitators, who have made it their personal missions to help those struggling with learning to overcome the challenges and frustration that all too often confronts them in traditional learning environments. They are passionate about bringing awareness to the talents and strengths of the dyslexic thinking style, and providing the individual and their support people with effective strategies to be successful. We believe dyslexia and all neurodivergent thinking needs to be recognized and honored as the “gift” that it truly is—for the individual, their families, and ultimately for the positive impact these brilliant individuals can have on the world.

Please note Date change

When: Wednsdays, april 20-May 25, 6:30 -8:30 PM (EST)


What you will learn:

Session 1: Confused?

  • Your journey as the parent of a bright, but struggling learner.
  • The role of confusion”in a learning difficulty.
  • The Davis “Release” Procedure.


Session 2: Gifts and Problems

  • The talents that go with learning difficulties.
  • How can a talent cause a problem?
  • Word thinking and Picture thinking.


Session 3: How do dyslexics think and learn?

  • The concept of ‘disorientation’ and its role in a learning difficulty.
  • The problem with “if.”
  • The Davis “Create-A-Word” procedure.


Session 4: Learning for Picture Thinkers

  • Visualization for reading comprehension
  • Punctuation as a reading skill
  • Retention of what has been read
  • Why Clay?
  • The Davis “Picture-At-Punctuation” and “Symbol Mastery” techniques.

Session 5: Going Deeper

  • “Picture-At-Punctuation” with fiction and non-fiction.
  • Dictionaries: their power for picture-thinkers.
  • “Symbol Mastery” on subject-specific vocabulary.
  • Picturing technical definitions.


Session 6: Pulling it all together

  • Comprehensive course review.
  • Creating a complete support strategy for your bright but struggling learner.
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Sign up here:

To claim your spot use the checkout link below. You will be transferred to our secure severs to pay and reserve your tickets.  See you there!

Second household participant


About Lynn


About Dyslexia


Davis Method
